Participation in ACHPER’s National HPE Day continues to grow.

Currently over 55,000 school students from around Australia are registered for this year’s event. This is an important sign that schools recognise their role in helping young people to take steps towards leading healthier and more active lives.

National HPE Day is an advocacy event that seeks to highlight the importance of HPE within the Australian Curriculum. The greater the participation, the stronger our advocacy message is to our key stakeholders in the education and health sector.

2019 sees new Partners join with ACHPER to support promotion of this event. ACHPER welcomes both Sport Australia and Tennis Australia.

The involvement of Sport Australia is very timely, given the recent release of the Australian Physical Literacy Framework and the imminent release of their Position Statement on Physical Literacy. To coincide with National HPE Day, ACHPER will be releasing its new Position Statement – Quality HPE & Physical Literacy. Please watch out for the social media launch on 12th September.

In addition, the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) will have two Ambassadors participating in each Australian jurisdiction. By speaking about their own personal stories and experiences, these athletes will help spread the message of the benefits of an active and healthy lifestyle and their lifelong benefits.

Thank you to the teachers and Schools that have registered so far for the 2019 event. If you are a primary or secondary school teacher, there is still plenty of time for your school to register – Click Here to register your school.

And how do we all promote the importance of HPE via participation in National HPE Day? ACHPER encourages schools and teachers to take photos and videos of active participation in physical activity and upload them to social media using the #HPEday hashtag.

We look forward to sharing the outcomes of National HPE Day with our stakeholders next month.